Important Update
Green Blessings,
We are currently in a state of transformation. Since 2013, we have offered robust and intensive in-person education around the practices of Herbalism, Ayurveda and Yoga. In that time our faculty team has continued to grow together, work diligently to refine our curriculum and cultivate deep relationships with the Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion. We have also established beautiful relationships with our students and community members along the way. We share love and light to everyone and every plant that has been a part of Hawthorn's growth to this point.
It is fitting that in Year 7 we would find ourselves in a space of transformation and change. Much like the cells in our body, we also view Hawthorn as a living organism that undergoes cellular transformation over time.
At this time, we have decided to stop offering our signature programs until further notice. This includes Foundations, Field Studies, YTT, and Farming. Moving forward, we will periodically offer workshops, wilderness immersions and yoga retreats. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay updated. We have kept information about our signature offerings on our website as a reference, and also to honor our work and alumni.
If you would like to still study with our faculty, you are in luck!

Be the Medicine
Hawthorn is a group of herbalists, yogis, farmers and plant people brought together by a love and commitment to serving the plants and people of the Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion. We believe in the interlocking of human and environmental well-being and strive to live this philosophy as a daily practice. Our goal is to inspire and nurture a generation of Earth stewards and community leaders.
We are committed to creatively challenging our students to grow. We are continually exploring strategies, tools, and insights that will help us to better communicate and facilitate healthy practices and relationships.
We seek to nurture relationships between people and the natural world in hopes that these relationships will continue to be sustainable, synergistic, and mutually rewarding. We believe that tending the body and tending the Earth are intrinsically connected.
to service
We believe that personal well being is intimately connected to community health. We provide community wellness services and promote environmental stewardship through our support of local non-profits, restoration projects, and free herbalism initiatives.